Dental damage can occur in many forms. However, it is important to understand what normally causes dental damage and what you can do to help prevent it. By creating a safe tooth hazard prevention plan, you can help lower the risk of potential damage and any oral accidents that could potentially occur. It's always a good idea to make... read more »
Do you require a tooth restoration procedure such as dental implants, but are unsure if you want to go through with the treatment necessary to have them? Despite the fact that implants do require surgery because they are installed directly into your jawbone, the end product will be worth the investment. Focus your oral health care on dental implants. Save... read more »
A healthy smiles begins with the health of your oral tissues, including the healthy functioning of your salivary glands. Believe it or not, saliva is an essential part of your healthy smile. This clear liquid, made mostly of water mixed with mucus, glycoproteins, electrolytes, enzymes and antibacterial compounds, travels through tubes in the mouth from your salivary glands. These glands... read more »
Your mouth is one of the most fascinating parts of your body. Not only does it house your pearly whites and gums, your tongue and throat, but it also houses millions of bacteria! In the average adult, anywhere from 100 to 200 species of bacteria may live in your mouth. If you take good care of your teeth, you will... read more »
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