Tips for Maintaining Top-Notch Dental Implants

Dental implants are strong and reliable dental restorations, but that doesn’t mean they can fend for themselves. In fact, if you want your dental implants to last many years, then you need to properly care for them. Fortunately, caring for dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth. To help you maintain top-notch dental implants, our dentists, Dr.... read more »

The Benefits of Brushing Your Teeth

If you ever wonder why you should brush your teeth every morning and night for two minutes each time, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentistss, Drs. Hutchison, Gabrielsen, and Craig, would like to discuss the benefits of brushing, which are: -Brushing helps you prevent tooth decay and gum disease. This is very beneficial because tooth... read more »

How to Keep Your Smile Free From Gum Disease

Your dentist, Dr. Edmon R. Hutchison, cares for you, your smile, and your oral health, which is why they strongly encourages you to do everything you can to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape. Unfortunately, there are many things that can destroy your smile if you let them, and one of those things is gum disease. It’s best... read more »

Instructions on How to Clean Your Teeth with a Water Flosser

Do you get confused and overwhelmed when using your water flosser? If so, don’t worry—Dr. Edmon R. Hutchison and our dental team are here to help you. With our tips and information, you’ll be able to use this handy and beneficial tool to clean your smile and prevent dental issues like tooth decay and gum disease. To begin, fill the... read more »

How Can I Prevent Tooth Decay?

As you may already know, tooth decay is a serious and dangerous dental issue that could result in toothaches and even tooth loss. This is why it’s best to keep it away from your smile. However, that might be a tricky task if you’re not sure how to do so. But, it’s not as tough as it might sound. All... read more »

The Tips You Need to Take Care of a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge in Royse City, Texas, might seem strong and unbreakable, but that’s not always the case. There are things that can harm your bridge in more ways than one. So, it’s very important to take good care of your dental bridge, and you can do so by doing the following things: -Brush, floss, and rinse: It’s best to... read more »