Simple Tips to Help Remove a Piece of Food from Your Gumline

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It’s not an uncommon occurrence to be eating a snack or a meal and getting something stuck between your teeth or in your gumline. While this can happen with just about any food, it is even more likely to be a problem with meat fibers, popcorn hulls, or fruit peels. While this can sometimes be removed by a quick swish of a beverage or the play of your tongue, there are rare occasions when it could become uncomfortably stuck.

In a situation like this, your dentists, Drs. Edmon R. Hutchison, offer these key insights to help you safely remove a piece of food stuck in your gumline.

You should never attempt to use toothpicks or sharp, pointed tools to pry the object loose. This could injure your gums or even damage your teeth.

Waxed dental floss is the first thing you should reach for to try to remove an object that is stuck in the gumline. The waxy coating allows the strand to slide easier between the teeth to work around the foreign object. You should never force the floss into place as it could seriously injure your gums.

Sometimes a Waterpik or oral irrigator can provide a stream of water strong enough to wash it loose or at least free some of the remaining detritus. This might be enough to loosen it further from your gums.

If you still cannot free the food particle from your gums, you can always call 972-636-2417 to have it professionally removed at Royse City Dental Care. Your dentist in Royse City, Texas, is happy to help you.